# /etc/cshrc # # csh configuration for all shell invocations. # By default, we want this to get set. # Even for non-interactive, non-login shells. if ($uid > 99 && "`id -gn`" == "`id -un`") then umask 002 else umask 022 endif if ($?prompt) then if ($?tcsh) then set promptchars='$#' set prompt=\[$user'@%m %c]%# ' else set prompt=\[$user@`hostname -s`\]\$\ endif endif if ( $?tcsh ) then bindkey "^[[3~" delete-char endif bindkey "^R" i-search-back set echo_style = both set histdup = erase set savehist = (1024 merge) setenv MAIL "/var/spool/mail/$USER" limit coredumpsize 0 # Check if we aren't a loginshell and do stuff if we aren't if (! $?loginsh) then if ( -d /etc/profile.d ) then set nonomatch foreach i ( /etc/profile.d/*.csh ) if ( -r $i ) then if ($?prompt) then source $i else source $i >&/dev/null endif endif end unset i nonomatch endif endif